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Monday Morning Photo - Medieval Marvão, Alto Alentejo, Portugal

This fabulous little walled town is one of the most beautiful hilltop towns in Portugal. Saramago said ¨From Marvão you can see the whole earth.¨  It´s certainly true you can see a long way, in all directions and of course to Spain as it´s very close to the Spanish border and city of Cáceres. Roman remains and narrow cobbled streets are overlooked by a medieval castle and its walls. To get into the town itself you can drive through the ancient entrances.  See the Monday Morning Photo list Follow me on Instagram to see more of my travels and photos.

Monday Morning Photo - Guggenheim Museum and Mamen Spider at Fog Art time, Bilbao

A Weekend Exploring (a tiny part of) Jaén Province - Andújar, Arjona, Baeza, Baños de la Encina and Ubeda

Monday Morning Photo - Hacienda Zorita Wine Hotel, Spa and Organic Farm

Boob Squashing Mammograms and Thoughts

Monday Morning Photo - Ceramic Plaque of Jaén Towns

Monday Morning Photo - Castillo de Burgalimar or Bury al Hammam in Baños de la Encina, Jaén

Archidona - Where to Stay? Almohalla 51

Monday Morning Photo - Casa de las Conchas, House of Shells in Salamanca

Cazorla Town - Rocks and Ruins

Hotels in Cazorla National Park

Monday Morning Photo - Plaza Santa Maria, Cazorla