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Monday Morning Photo - Plaza Mayor, Salamanca

One of the most beautiful squares in Spain the Plaza Mayor, a baroque style plaza, on the north side is the City Hall building. Decorated with stonework medallions between each arch, including depictions of  Carlos I, Alfonso XI, Fernando VI, Cervantes and Santa Teresa. The buildings are three storeys, supported by semicircular arches topped by a balustrade.  Plaza Mayor, Salamanca See my One Day in Salamanca - What Not to Miss post on Luxury Spain Travel. Read my Review of Hacienda Zorita Wine Hotel and Spa just outside Salamanca. Go to the Monday Morning Photo list.

Short Stories

Just occasionally I write a short story, more often than not for a competition. Some I've found in notebooks and don't remember writing them! So I thought it would be a good idea to put them together on one page so they can be found again. I should probably go through all the notebooks I have too!

My Short Story Collection - may it grow...

The (Sad and Silly) Tale of Two Pairs of Sunglasses - Part 1

The (Sad and Silly) Tale of Two Pairs of Sunglasses - Part 2

A Life Changing Day This was for a competition in which I was shortlisted.

I did this as a post but found it in a notebook more as a story. Learning Fig Drying and Fig Roll Making From the Local Ladies

Also not really a short story but a competition entry entitled My Perfect Day in the Cotswolds for which I was a runner-up.

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