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Monday Morning Photo - Plaza Mayor, Salamanca

One of the most beautiful squares in Spain the Plaza Mayor, a baroque style plaza, on the north side is the City Hall building. Decorated with stonework medallions between each arch, including depictions of  Carlos I, Alfonso XI, Fernando VI, Cervantes and Santa Teresa. The buildings are three storeys, supported by semicircular arches topped by a balustrade.  Plaza Mayor, Salamanca See my One Day in Salamanca - What Not to Miss post on Luxury Spain Travel. Read my Review of Hacienda Zorita Wine Hotel and Spa just outside Salamanca. Go to the Monday Morning Photo list.

Other Writings

As well as Andalucia Explorer I blog at Luxury Spain Travel and Only Spain and write a fortnightly (or so) article for  I  also write for other sites at times. Some pieces are linked to here. If you would like to get in touch  please use the email address at the bottom of this page. I can also be found on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter.

I´ve written the Cordoba and Jaen chapter for Lonely Planet´s new Andalucia guidebook due out in early summer 2023.

El Yelmo, Cazorla, Segura, Las Villas
Sierra de  Cazorla, Segura & Las Villas

Nature, Castles and Olive Trees in Cazorla - Love 2 Fly

Sierra de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas - Spain´s Largest Natural Park on Allways Traveller

El Palacio de San Benito on Luxury and Boutique Hotels

Your Own Wellness Holiday in Andalucia for Viestra online and print

Beautiful Boutique Hotels in Andalucia
for Flush the Fashion

Unesco Sites in Cordoba for A Luxury Travel Blog

A Little Bit of England in Andalusia, Spain for Journeys, Jaunts and Junkets

Andalucia Destinations Costas to Sierras  on Travel Begins at 40

Six Gorgeous Gorge Walkways in Spain  on Iberia's Love 2 Fly

12 Andalusian Towns Officially Among Spain's Most Beautiful on Iberia's Love 2 Fly

Tootling Around Cordoba on a Segway on Iberia's Love 2 Fly

Short collaboration about Jaen on Luxurious Lifestyles - Off the Beaten Track

Cazorla Natural Park, Jaen
on Love 2 Fly, Iberia

My runner-up entry in a Bradt Travel Writing Competition - Cotswolds, My Perfect Day.

Introducing Jaen - The Lesser Known Jewel of Andalucia - on My Itchy Travel Feet

Where to Stay in Cordoba - on Wandertooth

Inland Paradise - Jaen City and Province - on Andalucia Travel Bloggers blog

Granada - Between the City and the Sea - on Andalucia Travel Bloggers blog

Personal piece on ... The Most Remarkable Person I Ever Met while Travelling

Best Places to Visit in Andalucia - on Wandertooth

Six Best Spanish Restaurants  on Upscale Living

Spain's Best Prize-winning Olive Oils  on Upscale Living

My Review of Palacio San Benito on Luxury & Boutique Hotels

Review of Hotel Viento 10 on Luxury & Boutique Hotels

Hotel Balcon de Cordoba for Get Real Luxury

Jaen, City and Province on Andalucia Travel  Bloggers

Segway Tour in Cordoba for WAVE Journey

Andalucia for Silver Traveller

Jaen - City and Parador for Huffington Post.

Jaen Parador for World Travel Guide

Coches Locos or Wacky Races short-listed in Quirky Guide writing competition.

Composting with Kids for The Green Parent.

Spanish Churros with Chocolate for The Travel Belles.

King's Walkway, Caminito del Rey
King's Walkway

If you´d like to get in touch just drop me an email rachel dot martos at gmail dot com.

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