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Monday Morning Photo - Plaza Mayor, Salamanca

One of the most beautiful squares in Spain the Plaza Mayor, a baroque style plaza, on the north side is the City Hall building. Decorated with stonework medallions between each arch, including depictions of  Carlos I, Alfonso XI, Fernando VI, Cervantes and Santa Teresa. The buildings are three storeys, supported by semicircular arches topped by a balustrade.  Plaza Mayor, Salamanca See my One Day in Salamanca - What Not to Miss post on Luxury Spain Travel. Read my Review of Hacienda Zorita Wine Hotel and Spa just outside Salamanca. Go to the Monday Morning Photo list.

Monday Morning Photo - Arco de Villarla in Renaissance Baeza

Renaissance Baeza, a unesco city twinned with Úbeda, 7km away, was a recent visit and first overnight stay. It dates back from the Visigoths but what we see today is an abundance of fabulous sandstone monuments built from the riches gained from agriculture in the 16th century, like the former Civil Court and Notary, now a tourist office.

Puerta de Jaén and Arco de Villarlar and Tourist Office, Baeza

See the Monday Morning Photo List.

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