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Monday Morning Photo - Plaza Mayor, Salamanca

One of the most beautiful squares in Spain the Plaza Mayor, a baroque style plaza, on the north side is the City Hall building. Decorated with stonework medallions between each arch, including depictions of  Carlos I, Alfonso XI, Fernando VI, Cervantes and Santa Teresa. The buildings are three storeys, supported by semicircular arches topped by a balustrade.  Plaza Mayor, Salamanca See my One Day in Salamanca - What Not to Miss post on Luxury Spain Travel. Read my Review of Hacienda Zorita Wine Hotel and Spa just outside Salamanca. Go to the Monday Morning Photo list.

Monday Morning Photo - Roman Bridge and Mezquita, Córdoba

The iconic Roman Bridge with the Mezquita to the right and Alcazaba to the left behind it. I can´t think of a better approach to the city than parking by the bridge (always found spots for free and often left  the car for a night or two) and walking across it to the walls of the Mezquita.

We´ve just spent another night in the city, exploring the narrow, labyrinth of streets, tiny plazas and just inhaling the city vibes and bustle - is it obvious we´re countryside dwellers?

Roman Bridge and Mezquita, Cordoba

Wanting to stay in Córdoba? See my 3 Great Hotels in Córdoba post on Luxury Spain Travel.

Fancy a Hammam Baths Experience in Córdoba? Read the Post on Luxury Spain Travel.

See the Monday Morning Photo List or Where to stay in Cordoba?

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