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Monday Morning Photo - Boca do Inferno, Hell´s Mouth, Portugal

On the west coast on Portugal in Cascais, not far from Lisbon is Boca do Inferno - Hell´s Mouth a rugged and dramatic sea-worn opening. Further up the coast a little is the not quite so picturesque Cabo de Roca, Europe´s most westerly point. Boca do Inferno, Cascais Taken on a blustery winter´s day on our recent Portuguese road trip. Read about our last (and first) trip to Portugal - Road Trip - Andalucia to Extremadura to Portugal and Back. See the Monday Morning Photo´s list.

Monday Morning Photo - Zuheros Castle in One of Spain´s Most Beautiful Towns

Zuheros is one of Spain´s Most Beautiful Towns. It is part of the association Los Pueblos Más Bonitos de España, and along with many other charming towns it really is a photogenic, chocolate-box little place. As endearing from a distance - a white settlement nestled into a dramatic backdrop - as it is from within.

Zuheros Castle in One of Spain´s Most Beautiful Towns
Zuheros Castle in One of Spain´s Most Beautiful Towns


See the Monday Morning Photo list.

Where to stay in Zuheros? Hacienda Hotel Minerva, which has a live Flamenco guitarist most Friday evenings. (This is a link, which may earn me a bit of commission to keep on exloring.)

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