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Monday Morning Photo - Lopera Castle, Jaén

Lopera Castle, one of the best examples built by the Military Order of Calatrava in Jaén province, near the provincial border with Córdoba. The castle was built in 13th century on the site of a Moorish fortress, became a residence of nobility in 20th and today is visitable by prior arrangement.  Lopera Castle See the Monday Morning Photo list.

Spain's Prettiest Villages

More of Spain's prettiest villages have joined the increasingly popular 'Los Pueblos Mas Bonitos de Espana' association which now totals 44 gorgeous, historical small towns with a population of under 15,000 people.

Zuheros @LosPueblosMasBonitosdeEspana

Zuheros, just over the border into Cordoba province from my home province Jaen , is now one of the 'official' pretty towns or villages. I have to agree, over the twenty years of living here I've seen it from the main road with the looming Subbetica mountains behind and explored its nooks and crannies many times, it is delightful.

If you plan your visit well you might taste some of the local delicacies in the September 'Cheese Fair'. The Cuevas de Murcielagos or Bat's Caves are a great descent underground and overground it is on the Via Verde de la Subbetica part of the network of 'Greenways' that are walking or cycling routes on what used to be the old train network to transport olive oil to the south.

Where to stay? My own rustic holiday home - Casa El Reguelo makes an ideal, quiet, country spot for exploring this lovely region, it's about 40 km from Zuheros, 30 mins from Jaen city and in the Sierra Sur de Jaen, Spain's main olive oil producer.

See another of my posts with one of Spain's Prettiest Towns - Almagro

See the official website for more on Spain's Prettiest Villages

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