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Monday Morning Photo - Boca do Inferno, Hell´s Mouth, Portugal

On the west coast on Portugal in Cascais, not far from Lisbon is Boca do Inferno - Hell´s Mouth a rugged and dramatic sea-worn opening. Further up the coast a little is the not quite so picturesque Cabo de Roca, Europe´s most westerly point. Boca do Inferno, Cascais Taken on a blustery winter´s day on our recent Portuguese road trip. Read about our last (and first) trip to Portugal - Road Trip - Andalucia to Extremadura to Portugal and Back. See the Monday Morning Photo´s list.

My Dream Route - Ruta La Palma Soñada

La Palma, Isla Bonita - 'the pretty island,' is like a rare gem, one of the Canary Islands which offers the best of everything ...

Star Gazing ...

History ...

Nature ...

Activity ...

and Gastronomy

So when I read about the #EscuchaLPalma 'Listen to La Palma' competition I was intrigued to hear the soundtracks. They did indeed lull me into holiday mode, into sharing my thoughts and dreaming of being on different parts of the island. The birdsong, footsteps crunching in woods, waterfalls, running rivers, swirling waters, shushing tides transformed me there, well you want to be there too, don't you?

Listen to Footsteps in the Forest

Silence reigns in the woods, footsteps crunch and peace invades the soul. Birds chatter and flutter between the trees, the vibrant greenery envelops, calms and invigorates. A moment in time, a memory in the making, a place like no other.

Watch the stars with the tinkling of a waterfall or flowing of a river mummuring in the background. Darkness so pure that a multitud of stars twinking, normally obscured to the human eye, but visible here on this Star Tourism magical island.

Walking on the Beach

Feel the gentle lapping of pristine waters on fine sandy beaches. Lie on a sun-warmed eastern beach with sand oozing between the toes, clear seawater that's sheer pleasure to bask in. With a land total of only 706 sq km, the island, so diverse, offers activity or rest, bustle or silence, escapism or towns. A luxurious balm that quiets and restores inner peace.

And to complete an island tour it's time to lie and relax on the beach at the southen tip of the island near Los Volcanes de Teneguia with the constantness of the waves lulling the senses.

Listen to the Waves

La Palma, one of the The Canary Islands, is nearer the coast of Africa than the Spanish coast.

Visit La Palma website to read more about this fascinating Canary island the place for a slow, slow travel experience. Maybe I'll see you there.

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