The route covers the area that was the main frontier between the Muslims and the Christians from XIII to XV and the watchtowers, castle and fortresses that remain.
Some of these towns still retain traditional crafts from those times such as ceramics and esparto ware in Andújar, Arjonilla, Bailén and Úbeda.
The route begins on the main N-IV (E-5) from Madrid into Andalucía at Navas de Tolosa and covers many towns and monuments on its meandering 280km route down to Granada.
Ruta de los Nazaries
- Navas de Tolosa
- La Carolina
- Baños de la Encina
- Bailén
- Mengíbar
- Andújar
- Arjona
- Porcuna
- Torredonjimeno
- Martos
- Torredelcampo
- Linares
- Baeza
- Úbeda
- Jódar
- Jimena
- Mancha Real
- Jaén
- La Guardia de Jaén
- Cambil
- Huelma
- Guadahortuna
- Píñar
- Iznalloz
- Deifontes
- Albolote
- Maracena
Baños de la Encina