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Monday Morning Photo - Lopera Castle, Jaén

Lopera Castle, one of the best examples built by the Military Order of Calatrava in Jaén province, near the provincial border with Córdoba. The castle was built in 13th century on the site of a Moorish fortress, became a residence of nobility in 20th and today is visitable by prior arrangement.  Lopera Castle See the Monday Morning Photo list.

Drives in Jaén, Embalse de Queibrajano Car Tour

After heading out in the car for a walk, which we did a little, we then carried on towards Valdepeñas de Jaén (pronounced val-de-penyas). A new route has been added to our Embalse de Queibrajano car tour since our last trip there, the Natural Monument Quejigo del Amo o del Carbón.

The ´natural monument´ a gall oak, quejigo del amo, is said to be over 500 years old. The carbón part, means charcoal which was the main use for the gall oak, making into charcoal to sell for winter fuel.

To get to the natural monument which has staggering views of craggy rocks and an aquamarine reservoir take the C3221 out of Jaen towards Valdepeñas de Jaén, it is then well signposted.

Having zigzagged up the beautiful mountain track, the light was fading rapidly and when we were about 2km there was a closed gate across the way.

After debating whether or not we should open it we decided we better head home (good job as we had a little misshap and had to flag down a passing Land Rover and be pulled out -that´s another tale, it wasn´t on this route!) so we didn´t get to see the ancient tree after all.

We will definitely be going back again. This will make up part of a driving route for my planned book (tongue-in-cheek) of lovely drives around Jaén.

I´ll try and try and write up the circular tour we recommend soon.

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