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Monday Morning Photo - Boca do Inferno, Hell´s Mouth, Portugal

On the west coast on Portugal in Cascais, not far from Lisbon is Boca do Inferno - Hell´s Mouth a rugged and dramatic sea-worn opening. Further up the coast a little is the not quite so picturesque Cabo de Roca, Europe´s most westerly point. Boca do Inferno, Cascais Taken on a blustery winter´s day on our recent Portuguese road trip. Read about our last (and first) trip to Portugal - Road Trip - Andalucia to Extremadura to Portugal and Back. See the Monday Morning Photo´s list.

Early Morning Views

Not exactly early I suppose, but this is the view,just past home, where I turn my car around to park in front of my house.

I´ve been watching this roof-top garden grow and this morning after the school drop-off the light was lovely, shining on the white flowers. I got my camera and went shooting but of course couldn´t do it justice.

Jim came with me of course, but it was a shame as he disturbed a family of ducks and sent them a-waddling before I could see or count them properly.

As he´s scared of our chickens it´s a shame mum duck didn´t turn and face him! That would have been a picture.

Blossom in its garden but I can´t remember the name.

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