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Monday Morning Photo - Lopera Castle, Jaén

Lopera Castle, one of the best examples built by the Military Order of Calatrava in Jaén province, near the provincial border with Córdoba. The castle was built in 13th century on the site of a Moorish fortress, became a residence of nobility in 20th and today is visitable by prior arrangement.  Lopera Castle See the Monday Morning Photo list.

Sighs of The Alhambra

Before I write part two of the last blog, because I don´t want to do it right now and ´cos I´ve been looking through my Alhambra photos with longing I thought I´d share some here and dream of being there again.

You know what it´s like when something is on your doorstep, you plan on visiting or re-visiting someday. Well I´ve decided that to make those trips happen sooner. There are/were so many place in the UK I wanted to visit, now I´m in Andalucia and my list is LONG.

The Alhambra is about an hour and a half drive from home but life and time steal away many pleasures.

If you´re looking for some reading material before you come my favourite book of the moment is Spanish Recognitions by Mary Lee Settle. There´s a wonderful line in it that says

"....if you cannot relearn wonder again at the Alhambra, you may as well stay at home and die."

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