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Monday Morning Photo - Lopera Castle, Jaén

Lopera Castle, one of the best examples built by the Military Order of Calatrava in Jaén province, near the provincial border with Córdoba. The castle was built in 13th century on the site of a Moorish fortress, became a residence of nobility in 20th and today is visitable by prior arrangement.  Lopera Castle See the Monday Morning Photo list.

South (West) of Granda - Güejar Sierra

The early morning orangey-purple hue silhouetted the mountains of varying shades of grey. Darkness slowly abated and the day before sunrise promised another blue Andalucían sky.

I was heading south to Güejar Sierra to check out a campsite and only on the road at that time of day as my son was off on a school trip to Seville and had to be at school by 6am. Not my favourite time of day.

So there I was on an explore-trip in the dark, becoming-light, a rare occurrence for a lover of lie-ins. But what a spectacular drive. The glistening snowy peaks of the Sierra Nevada Mountains rose as a backdrop and the sun began to rise casting an orange glow around.

By 7am it was light and by 8am the sunglasses were on, a necessity not pose and Güejar Sierra on the northern slopes of Sierra Nevada nearby.

These northern slopes are a less visited so pretty-much-non-touristy spot, but saying that there were plenty of Dutch cars at ny destination campsite.

I had my eldest sons camera as the youngest had taken mine, as promised to Seville, and being me I didn´t bother with the settings ´cos mine is ok. His was on an obscure setting that I still don´t understand (and daren´t ask again) that´s why all my fotos are in sepia de blue.

That´s another way of saying useless, but they are what I have so here´s another one.

Shame the glistening white peaks of the Sierra Nevada don´t show, but they were pure shimmering white in the 8.30am light.

To be continued.....

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