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Monday Morning Photo - Spanish Windmill, Baños de la Encina

The 12 metre high Santo Cristo windmill built of local sandstone has three storeys, it houses an exhibition on the history and evolution of windmills. This is windmill in Baños de la Encina is the only one of its type in Andalucia. See the Monday Morning Photo list. Read A Weekend Exploring (a tiny part of) Jaén Province post.

Dreaming of Summer Hols, Remembering Others

Having spent a few days in Frigiliana near Nerja on the Costa del Sol or Málaga Coast in August, I´m having difficulty remembering that incredible heat of the summer.

It´s been cold and now rain´s on the way for days. Here are a few sunny photos for a holiday feeling.



On this coast there´s some awful touristy bits and amazingly close the incredible scenery of the Sierras de Alhama, Tejeda y Almijara just kilometres inland.

Fortunately I first stumbled on the beaches near the Balcon de Europa, several lovely little coves that are accessed by steps and not connected.Later I went to find the famous Burriana Beach - which was one of those ... bits.

I found Frigiliana the same, some lovely parts in the steep cobbled old town and a lot of modern horrors.

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